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Welcome to our informative section of the website!

Here you can find important links to breed-related information including kennel clubs, training, gear, and more.

- This page is still under construction so please check back periodically for more informational links - 


Great Dane & Beagle Breed Clubs

Great Dane Club of America

Here you will find information on the breed, illustrated breed standard, connections to breeders, information about the Great Dane Club of America National Specialty that is held every year, and much more.


Great Dane Club of Greater Dallas
If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex or anywhere in the vicinity it's a wonderful club that can connect you with other breed enthusiasts, breeders, trainers, etc. 


Beagle Club of America

Here you will find information on the breed, illustrated breed standard, connections to breeders, information about the national specialty show and so much more.


Local Kennel Clubs

Longview Kennel Club - Longview, TX

LKC holds an annual dog show each year at Maude Cobb Convention Center in Longview on the last weekend in July.  Superintendent for the annual show is usually If you are in the Longview, TX area and would like to be connected with people in the dog fancy, this is a great place to start.


Caddo Kennel Club of Texas - Marshall, TX

 CKC holds an annual dog show each year at the Marshall City Arena.  This show is usually in May but because of COVID-19 and changes, the shows are now held in November.  Superintendent for the annual show is usually  This is another great club in the Northeast Texas area. 



Far More Shade

One of our favorite vendors for crate pads, round dog beds, donut beds and toys. 


JPLeash & Supply

 Go to place for Bio Thane leashes and collars.


Keeper Collars

Perfect place to order hidden prong collars and flat collars.  Quality is top notch  and they are wonderful to work with.


K Kreative & Kennedy's Kustom Kollar Kreations

Great place to order Cooling Coats, Collars, Bitch Britches and more.


Joli's Closet

Great place to order Cooling Coats, Bitch Britches and more.


Take The Lead - Custom Show Leads

As someone who knows how to make show leads, I can't recommend  Take The Lead enough if you are looking for quality show leads that last. Johanna is great to work with.


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